• HPV is a very common STI that can cause external genital warts and sometimes respiratory complications
  • It can be easily passed on through vaginal, anal and oral sex


    Over 100 types of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) exist, and roughly 40 present themselves as infections in the mucosal membrane in the genitals or throat. HPV can be broadly divided into two categories; low-risk HPV (lrHPV), and high-risk HPV (hrHPV). An lrHPV infection, such as types 6 and 11, causes external genital warts and sometimes respiratory complications. It is rarely associated with any kind of genital cancer. AnhrHPV infection, such as types 16 and 18 usually progress to cause cervical, penile, vulvar, vagina, anal, and oropharyngeal cancer.

    The majority of HPV infections do not progress to cancer, and it is important to note that an HPV diagnosis does not imply a cancer diagnosis.
    HPV is spread through sexual contact with someone with HPV. It is typically passed through the penis, vagina and anus, and rarely passed through the mouth.

    Risk is LOW for:
    Kissing and fingering

    Risk is HIGH for:
    Giving & receiving oral sex in men (giving & getting blow job), giving & receiving oral sex in women (eating pussy & getting pussy eaten), vaginal sex, anal sex (top AND bottom) and sharing sex toys.
    Most people with HPV do not experience any symptoms. If they do occur, the most common symptoms include:
    • Genital warts on the penis, scrotum, skin in/around the anus, vagina, cervix, and vulva

    Get Tested

    There is no test that determines whether a person has HPV. Your GP may do a visual examination to see if there are warts that may be HPV. Laboratory assays for HPV DNA only detect hrHPV in order to assess cancer risks.

    Get Treated

    There are treatments for genital warts, but no treatment to eliminate HPV all together.

    Get Vaccinated

    There is an HPV vaccine that is available to everyone is 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil 9 Seqirus/MSD), also known as HPV9. HPV9 is funded for both males and females aged 9-26 years. Those aged 9-14 years will get a two dose schedule and those aged 15-26 years will receive a three dose schedule. Individuals who have received one or more prior doses of HPV4 may complete the vaccine course with HPV9. HPV9 is available (but not funded) up to age 45 for females. Its best to get the vaccine before you become sexually active and encounter HPV in the wild.
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