Genital Herpes
  • Genital Herpes is an STI that can be easily passed on through vaginal, anal and oral sex.
  • It results in ulcers or blisters on genital skin, or breakouts around the mouth, usually in the form of cold-sores
  • There is no cure for Genital Herpes
Genital Herpes

    Genital Herpes

    Genital herpes is one of two different types of herpes (HSV-1 and HSV-2). Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the HSV-2 virus that results in ulcers or blisters on genital skin. One in three people have genital herpes in NZ. 20% of people infected with genital herpes experience symptoms, which occur as a small lesion on the genitals. The herpes caused by the HSV-1 virus results in breakouts around the mouth, usually in the form of cold-sores. Of those infected with HSV-1, it is estimated that over 75% of people have only had a single break out with no recurring breakouts. There is no cure for either HSV-1 or HSV-2. Once someone is infected the virus stays in the body permanently, but having symptoms is fairly uncommon. The symptoms are typically minor and go away quickly, and there are medications available to suppress symptoms as well.
    Herpes is transferred through sexual contact with someone with herpes. It can be passed through any orifice—penis, vagina, anus or mouth – this includes mouth to penis through oral sex. The virus can be passed on even if the other person doesn’t have symptoms.

    Risk is LOW for:

    Risk is HIGH for:
    Kissing, giving & receiving oral sex in men (giving & getting blow job), giving & receiving oral sex in women (eating pussy & getting pussy eaten), vaginal sex, anal sex (top AND bottom) and sharing sex toys.
    Symptoms of genital herpes are blisters and sores on genital skin that can sometimes be painful.

    While many people never experience symptoms, those that do may experience a severe first outbreak that may last a few weeks. This may include soreness in the buttocks and leg areas, and flu-like symptoms.

    Get Tested

    A herpes diagnosis is a visual examination, so you will need to see your GP to be examined. The doctor or nurse that is doing the examination will need to take a swab from the blister or sore. Therefore, you can only get tested if you experience symptoms.

    Get Treated

    If it is the first time you are experiencing symptoms, you can get an oral antiviral medication to help the sores clear up quickly. It is likely that people who have symptoms will experience further outbreaks. They are usually only a few mild blisters and go away quickly on their own.

    If you do not have symptoms, then you do not need to seek out treatment.

    Protect Others

    Using condoms is a good way to prevent the spread of herpes. However, herpes may occur in areas that are not covered by condoms and its spread through kissing and oral.

    Avoid kissing if you or your partner has sores on the lips or mouth, or if you have an oral infection.
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